الرئيسية القاهرة - شركة Grand Technology طالبة IT Support engineer خبرة 1 سنة

القاهرة - شركة Grand Technology طالبة IT Support engineer خبرة 1 سنة

Grand Technology logo
- Good Knowledge in Security protocols, IT systems and database systems.-Good Knowledge in Networking infrastructures and WAN and LAN connectivity, routers, firewalls, and security.- Good Knowledge in Microsoft products (Such as Windows OS and Server, Exchange, Office) and UNIX /Linux based environments.- Good Knowledge in Cloud, virtualization and
containerization Solutions and service providers. (such as VMware, Citrix, and Microsoft).

● سجل بيانات سيرتك الذاتية (الــCV) على الرابط ده https://goo.gl/d7gsn4


● بعد ما سجلت سيرتك الذاتية ادخل على الرابط ده و اختار "تقدم الآن" : http://bit.ly/2HbTTp7
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