الرئيسية القاهرة - شركة Gama Construction طالبة مهنس IT خبرة 4-7 سنين

القاهرة - شركة Gama Construction طالبة مهنس IT خبرة 4-7 سنين

- Receive the ticket from the employee to investigate the cause of the problem and troubleshoot those technical problems.

- Help fix any network problems

- Receive the new device and start working on the setup process by installing operating systems on the new devices.

- Solve all technical software problems for the team members.

- Install e-mails on devices and support in solving any issues related to e-mail system.

- Search for and install applications that facilitate the employees’ work and train the users how to use them.

● سجل بيانات سيرتك الذاتية (الــCV) على الرابط ده https://goo.gl/d7gsn4


● بعد ما سجلت سيرتك الذاتية ادخل على الرابط ده و اختار "تقدم الآن" : http://bit.ly/2ViRsFj
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