الرئيسية السعودية (الدمام) مطلوب مهندس كهرباء خبرة 3 سنين لشركة audi Diesel Equipment

السعودية (الدمام) مطلوب مهندس كهرباء خبرة 3 سنين لشركة audi Diesel Equipment

Principal responsibilities for this job are as below:
Prepare conceptual design and finalize it with the Electrical Design Manger / Engineering Manager.
Establish list of drawings/documents in accordance with SOS/PDS and project requirements
Prepare electrical design drawings in CAD within the allowed time frame and complete all the necessary calculations to ensure safe and correct design.
Follow the agreed standard style of drawings as designs.
Review design drawings and make necessary corrections/changes.
Review supplier/customer drawings and determine the interface requirements.
Approve the supplier drawings.
Create electrical item’s part numbers and BOM’s and purchasing specs.
Coordinate with mechanical design engineers to accomplish the tasks.
Coordinate with major equipment controller to get the necessary information.
Coordinate with procurement and production to accomplish the project tasks
Do site visits to complete the design.
Work on different projects at the same time.
Work under pressure to meet the documents promised dates.
Attend Kick Off meetings (KOM) and customer interface meetings.
Support other departments during assembly or troubleshooting.
Ensure that the engineering documents are filled correctly.
Do design calculations as necessary.
Do cost estimates & preliminary designs when requested.
Understand and comply with the procedures associated with ISO 9001.
Continually participate in developing and improving the designs to cut material costs and manhours.

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