1- Study the project documents and break down the project elements to classify these elements into packages.
2- Review the vendors’ profiles to select the most appropriate ones according to the organization’s criteria.
4- Set the procurement plan
5- Compare between the vendors' offers and start the negotiation process with vendors to minimize the cost and coordinate payment terms.
6- Review the Contract Request sent by the site and negotiate the contract conditions with the supplier/ subcontractor to reach a win-win situation.
● سجل بيانات سيرتك الذاتية (الـCV) على الرابط :https://goo.gl/d7gsn4
تأكد انك سجلت على الأقل 90% من البيانات المطلوبة
● بعد ما سجلت سيرتك الذاتية ادخل على الرابط التالي و اختار "تقدم الآن": https://bit.ly/3kjmLiM