Candidate Requirements:- 2+ years of experience as a hands-on software engineer
- Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or Computer Engineering
- A ruthless commitment to testing the code you’ve written
- Proficiency in the following skills and technologies is mandatory: Knowledge of backend programming languages, like C++, Java, C#, Ruby or others, Database(SQL server/Oracle/MySQL/MongoDB/Cassandra), SOA, EDA, and Design patterns, Javascript (ReactJS, AngularJS) , HTML5, CSS3, Cloud computing architecting, Linux, REST, tools for CI/CD, Git, and shell scripting, DevOps
- Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or Computer Engineering
- A ruthless commitment to testing the code you’ve written
- Proficiency in the following skills and technologies is mandatory: Knowledge of backend programming languages, like C++, Java, C#, Ruby or others, Database(SQL server/Oracle/MySQL/MongoDB/Cassandra), SOA, EDA, and Design patterns, Javascript (ReactJS, AngularJS) , HTML5, CSS3, Cloud computing architecting, Linux, REST, tools for CI/CD, Git, and shell scripting, DevOps
● التقديم اونلاين من خلال شركة "بيت"
● سجل بيانات سيرتك الذاتية (الــCV) على الرابط ده :

● بعد كدا قدم للوظيفة من الرابط ده :
● حمل التطبيق ده (9 ميجا - أندرويد و آيفون) هتلاقى عليه إعلانات شغل
كويسة جداً :
✆ عشان توصلك على الواتس رسائل متجددة بإعلانات الشغل سجل
الرقم ده على موبايلك 01009955719
وابعتلنا رسالة ع الواتس فيها تخصصك ツ