الرئيسية السعودية (ينبع) مطلوب مهندس ميكانيكا خبرة 5-10 سنين لشركة "قلعة المشرق للمقاولات"

السعودية (ينبع) مطلوب مهندس ميكانيكا خبرة 5-10 سنين لشركة "قلعة المشرق للمقاولات"


Identify and quantify project needs and assist in development of detailed specifications for projects
Work with contractors to determine scope of work and timelines
Provide input and recommendations for project designs
Prepare detailed estimate
Review and evaluate contractor proposals
Develop and manage budgets
Responsible for hiring and managing staff and subcontractor
Manage project schedules
Promote awareness of construction standards and best practices
Develop and maintain productive relationships with clients
Coordinate scheduling, communication, and personnel needs with clients

 🔰 سجل بيانات سيرتك الذاتية (الـCV) على الرابط :https://goo.gl/d7gsn4  

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