RESPONSIBILITIES-• Conduct research into the feasibility, design, operation and performance of electrical generation and distribution networks, electrical machinery and components and electronic communications, instrumentation and control systems, equipment, and components• Prepare material cost and timing estimates, reports and design specifications for electrical and electronic systems and equipment• Design electrical and electronic circuits, components, systems and equipment• Conduct micro or nano devices simulations, characterization, process modeling and integration in the development of new electronic devices and products• Supervise and inspect the installation, modification, testing and operation of electrical and electronic systems and equipment• Develop maintenance and operating standards for electrical and electronic systems and equipment• Investigate electrical or electronic failures• Prepare contract documents and evaluate tenders for construction or maintenance•Supervise technicians, technologists, programmers, analysts and other engineers.IMPORTANT – NOT FOR PEOPLE ON VISIT VISADesired Candidate ProfileNOTE: THIS JOB IS NOT FOR VISIT VISA CANDIDATES.Should be a Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma HolderShould have min 3 yrs of experience.Preferred Nationalities: INDIAN, PAKISTANI, FILIPINO, LEBANESE, JORDANIAN, MOROCCAN, EGYPTIAN, PALESTINIAN, SRI LANKAN, SYRIAN.